Common Grammatical Errors: Passover Readings and the Singular “They”

It has become common for writers to refer to a single person, who could be of either gender, as a “they.” This “singular they” construction is grammatically problematic. Clearly one person does not qualify as a “they,” “their” or “them.” Yet we refer, perhaps lazily, or even sloppily, to singles as multiples – because it would be challenging or awkward to be grammatically rigorous.

Resumes and LinkedIn for Relaunchers: The Essay Expert Interviewed on BlogTalkRadio

I was interviewed about resumes and LinkedIn topics on March 22, 2011 by LeeAnn Dance. Her project, Back In Force Productions, is a blog and radio show for stay-at-home parents reentering the workforce. For your listening pleasure! The interview is full of great tips not just for “relaunchers” but also for any job seeker. Find…

Want Answers? Top 20 Current Trends in Resumes and Job Search

On December 30, 2010, a consortium of 156 career experts from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. met to brainstorm about career and employment issues. They published their findings on March 14, 2011 in Findings of 2010 Global Career Brainstorming Day: Trends for the Now, the New & the Next in Careers. As my readers, you are privy to the valuable findings of this group of Career Thought Leaders.