How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume
By Brenda Bernstein
Available in Kindle and Print
If you are a successful executive, it is likely you have never had to write a resume before. Yet in today’s market, job seekers at all levels are being asked to provide a resume for consideration. You have 6.25 seconds to grab the attention of your next employer. How are you going to do it? You must either master the craft of resume writing or hire someone who has mastered it.
This book provides an easy to read, practical and up-to-date guide on best practices in writing your Executive Resume from Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW) and Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM) Brenda Bernstein . How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume takes you through the resume writing process step by step, from thinking through your approach to creating a professional format, crafting effective branding statements and bullets, and handling specific challenges.
Whether you are a resume writer catering to executives or a senior-level job seeker, you will learn valuable tips to write a STELLAR resume!
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Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
“How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume is like a secret weapon, valuable for both job seekers and resume writers. If you put Brenda’s easy-to-follow tips and guidelines into action, you will, without a doubt, set your resume apart from the competition. Brenda’s “can do” suggestions are sure to kick both the substance and format of your resume up a notch, or two, or ten!”
– Posey Salem, Professional Resume Writer and Certified Instructional Systems Designer, Jacksonville, NC
“By focusing on each person’s unique story and the value he or she adds to the prospective employer, Brenda teaches readers how to turn a boring resume into a compelling read.”
– Sharla Taylor, Professional Résumé Writer, Richmond Hill, GA
“Brenda offers tips galore, covers new technology, and includes links to more resources! I will be strongly suggesting that my own Executive level clients consider adding this amazing resource to their library. Well done!”
– Stephanie Clark, Master Resume Writer and Master Certified Resume Strategist, Canada
Follow The Essay Expert’s advice, and you will create a highly effective Executive Résumé.
Brenda Bernstein is the Founder of The Essay Expert LLC, a company that creates impactful resumes that get people noticed. Some blog articles by Brenda:
10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Model Your Resume on Elon Musk’s One-Page Resume
How Executives Should Answer One Scary Interview Question: Who Wrote Your Resume?
Could you be selling yourself short? Use the New York, New York Principle.
From a Certified Executive Resume Writer – 9 Tips I Learned from Recertifying
How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume
Do You Have a One-Size-Fits-All Resume? 5 Tips to Avoid this Fatal Error!
Top 20 Tips on Writing ATS-Compatible Resumes for ATS Systems