Tempted by Addictive Shows? Here’s Why to Avoid Them

Tempted by Addictive Shows? Here’s Why to Avoid Them.

Last Wednesday afternoon, I received a thought-provoking promotional insert along with my AT&T phone bill. It reads: HBO INCLUDED FOR LIFE* AT&T unlimited wireless plans come with entertaining movies and addictive shows on HBO.® I interrupted my housemate’s lunch with my expression of shock: “Can you believe this? AT&T is promoting addictiveness as a reason…

LinkedIn + Microsoft's Resume Assistant: Friend or Foe?

LinkedIn + Microsoft’s Resume Assistant: Friend or Foe?

The biggest conversation about LinkedIn nowadays seems to be about the perils of Resume Assistant, a child of LinkedIn and Microsoft’s recent marriage. LinkedIn touts Resume Assistant as an integration between LinkedIn and Microsoft Word that will help you accurately reflect who you are and what you’ve done, in a way that is tailored to…

The Essay Expert's New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

The Essay Expert’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

New Year’s Resolutions seem to be getting a lot of flak this year. Pretty much everyone I talk to says they didn’t make any because 1) resolutions don’t work, and/or 2) if you’re continually improving yourself, January is no different than any other month. Nevertheless, I’m making some New Year’s Resolutions for 2018. I’m also…
