Common Grammatical Errors: Passover Readings and the Singular “They”

It has become common for writers to refer to a single person, who could be of either gender, as a “they.” This “singular they” construction is grammatically problematic. Clearly one person does not qualify as a “they,” “their” or “them.” Yet we refer, perhaps lazily, or even sloppily, to singles as multiples – because it would be challenging or awkward to be grammatically rigorous.

The Essay Expert Gets Political: Governor Walker and Proposed Legal Services Cuts

Today I received the news that state funding for Wisconsin’s civil legal services program would be eliminated by Governor Walker’s proposed budget. As someone who has taken on representing indigent clients after they’ve attempted to represent themselves and failed, I can tell you there will be a lot of people losing their homes, and taxing other state resources, as a result of these funding cuts.