The job search process has become more complicated in the last several years. No longer can a job seeker simply look up interesting positions in the Classifieds, then send in a resume and cover letter on nice bond paper, hoping to get an interview. There is a whole world job seekers need to know about that includes job search strategy, branding, networking, social media, and more.

Writing is still a key piece of the job search process, and the Essay Expert focuses almost exclusively on writing resumes and writing LinkedIn profiles (in the other aspects of the business, we edit business documents and help students write college application essays). If you need to bring your written documents up a level or two, we are a great resource. Although I will be taking a Job Search Strategist Course starting this week, I still plan to provide clients primarily with writing services.

For the other aspects of the job search, I’m thrilled to announce the National Career Summit, which is being offered FREE by a top-notch group of career experts this week. You may have noticed my announcement of the event in my newsletter – it started November 4 – and there is still a week to go. If you are a job seeker or considering starting a business, this is a rare opportunity to learn from the best!

Some of the topics include:

  • Building Your Online Reputation
  • Preparing Veterans and Others for Federal Employment (a great tribute to Veteran’s Day)
  • Entrepreneurship: Creating a Business Plan
  • Great Jobs for Everyone 50+
  • Networking (On and Off Line)
  • Twitter and Facebook for Job Seekers
  • How to Do Research to Find the Job You Want

It’s quite a full schedule for the week – a tremendous opportunity really. If you consider job seeking as a full-time job, then it will be a clear choice for you to spend a couple of hours a day learning from these experts.

Sign up for the National Career Summit here.

View the schedule here.

Events are being recorded and can be accessed after the telesummit is over for a small fee. Register now and take advantage of this week’s session at no cost!

I’m so convinced you’ll get value from this summit that I am announcing it even though I am not one of the speakers! It’s important to me to provide resources to my readers and this is a great one. It’s also important to me to support my colleagues who are doing such important work supporting job seekers and entrepreneurs to reach their goals.

I highly encourage you to participate in the presentations that look useful to you. If you do participate, please let me know how the sessions went!


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