Mommy, Daddy, Tell Me a Story! – Spinning a Good Yarn with Your College Application, Resume, Cover Letter and Professional Bio

We all love a good story. Admissions committees love good stories. Hiring managers love good stories. Customers and clients love good stories. Always remember: the person you’re writing for is a human being! How do you get another human being to read your document? Spin a good yarn! Get tips here on how to do that.

The Future of Your Job Search: Findings of Career Jam 2016

Each year, I look forward to reading the results of the Career Thought Leaders Consortium’s Career Jam, a day-long meeting on a range of topics addressing job search trends. This week, the Findings of 2016 Career Jam: Where Experts Forecast the New & the Next, has been released by the Career Thought Leaders Consortium! This report…

How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume

As the owner of an executive resume writing company, I am extremely proud to have four writers on my team, including myself, who have won coveted TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) awards for their Executive Resume, Finance Resume, International Resume, Sales Resume, and New Graduate Resume entries. On February 9th, Laura DeCarlo, President of…

How Executives Should Answer One Scary Interview Question: Who Wrote Your Resume?

Should executives write their own resumes? As an executive resume writer, I run into a certain number of people who believe every job candidate, regardless of industry, should write his or her own resume. While I agree very strongly that students should write their own academic papers and college application essays, I think very differently…

The Essay Expert’s 2015 Media Year in Review

2015 was a full year of speaking engagements where I put out some of my best information about LinkedIn, resume writing, and college essays. In case you missed the live events, I thought I’d highlight some of the appearances that you can still watch! LinkedIn Tips Most recently, I was one of 30+ expert presenters…

13 Questions You Should Be Asking about Updating Your References

National Update Your References Week It seems there are international and/or national weeks for just about everything, and the first week in May was, as proclaimed by Career Directors International, International Update Your References Week (UYRW). Why such a thing? CDI says UYRW “was created due to the importance of job seekers [sic] learning to…