Common Grammatical Errors: Passover Readings and the Singular “They”

It has become common for writers to refer to a single person, who could be of either gender, as a “they.” This “singular they” construction is grammatically problematic. Clearly one person does not qualify as a “they,” “their” or “them.” Yet we refer, perhaps lazily, or even sloppily, to singles as multiples – because it would be challenging or awkward to be grammatically rigorous.

Grammar and Writing Tips – Correlative Conjunctions: Can You Both Have Your Cake and Eat it too?

If you are writing a college essay, resume or cover letter, you will benefit from this grammar tip on structuring sentences using correlative conjunctions.  A correlative conjunction is a conjunction used with another conjunction that is necessary to complete the thought. “Both/and” is a popular correlative conjunction pair.  (Other common examples are either/or and not…