How to Write a Bio that's Targeted and Attention-Getting

How to Write a Bio that’s Targeted and Attention-Getting

You’ve probably heard multiple times that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” resume. But what about bios? Is there a one-size-fits-all bio? My answer is steadfastly, “No.” You need to understand how to write a bio that’s targeted to each audience you’re addressing, based on that audience’s focus, interests, and needs. I personally have an entire Word document devoted…

Mommy, Daddy, Tell Me a Story! – Spinning a Good Yarn with Your College Application, Resume, Cover Letter and Professional Bio

We all love a good story. Admissions committees love good stories. Hiring managers love good stories. Customers and clients love good stories. Always remember: the person you’re writing for is a human being! How do you get another human being to read your document? Spin a good yarn! Get tips here on how to do that.