COVID-19 Job Search Issues – Brenda Bernstein’s Enhanced “Ask the Experts” Highlights

Over the past several months, I have been featured multiple times on The NRWA’s “Ask the Experts” pages. Most recently, COVID-19 job search issues have been a common theme. In this article, I’ve provided enhanced tips on COVID-19 job searching from the “Ask the Experts” site – from how to choose a target company to…

9 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

9 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

On December 22, 2008, U.S. News & World Report published an article by Alison Green entitled “9 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview.” Ms. Green highlighted 9 interview faux pas, including answering your cell phone during the interview and badmouthing an old boss.

Since one of my areas of expertise is legal interviews, I thought it would be useful to provide 9 ways to ruin a legal job interview.

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think

Perhaps you’ll identify with me when I say I can’t stand hearing anyone complain—except for myself. That said, even my tolerance for my own complaints has plummeted in the last few years. As soon as I start complaining in a conversation, I know I’ve made a big mistake. I leave the interaction feeling horrible, sure…

10 Job Search Strategies from Recruiters

When it comes to tapping into best practices in the job search process, recruiters tend to be experts. Therefore, even if you’re not working directly with recruiters in your job search, it’s advisable to pay attention to what they are saying! This week I’ve compiled advice from recruiters that I recommend you follow. It could…