On Thursday, December 11th, LinkedIn® started rolling out its latest Home and Profile page design changes. For those of you who aren’t yet seeing the redesign when you log in, you can email LinkedIn® to get a sneak peak at SeeNewHP@linkedin.com.
Home Page
Across the top of your Home page you will now enjoy instant access to the most important information regarding your account, including a quick link to your profile page, your stats and your Keep in Touch feed.
Directly below this section, you will find the latest news and updates from Pulse. You can even sort your Pulse feed by the most popular or most recent.
You will then see your regular feed of activity from your groups and connections, aesthetically revamped for quick connection identification, content preview, following, joining and connecting.
Throughout your news feed you will notice suggestions by LinkedIn® regarding connections you might like to make and jobs that might interest you.
LinkedIn has updated all profile pages to automatically appear in edit mode when accessed by the owner of the profile. After all, when we visit our own profile page, it is usually to make edits, so LinkedIn® is saving us a step! To see your profile the way a connection would see it, click the “View profile as” button.
In this view, you will notice a new option at the top of the page. Similar to Google+ or Facebook, you can choose to view your profile as a connection or non-connection (or a connection who is not logged into LinkedIn®) would.
LinkedIn’s suggestions for including additional sections are now located directly below the top portion of your profile. This information used to appear in the right-hand column in Edit Profile mode.
Your notification setting are also now available in the right-hand column so that changes to your profile can easily be hidden or shared with your network with the click of a button.
Note the redesigned sections. For example, Recommendations no longer have 2 access points, but one.
(Profile mode)
(Profile Edit mode)
LinkedIn’s new streamlined design was created to enhance our experience as members and will likely be further enhanced in the future based on our response to these updates.
I hope you enjoy the new changes. They are certainly presenting challenges to me as the author of a book about LinkedIn®! But look for updates in the 11th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn® Profile, still slated for release in January!
Thanks for the update, Brenda, and happy holidays!