Terms of Agreement for LinkedIn Profile Services
Please be advised of the following terms of agreement:
What the Service Includes
- A LinkedIn Headline & Summary Only package includes writing of the Headline and Summary section only. It does not include Specialties, Skills & Expertise, Experience, or any coaching on your overall profile or strategy.
- A LinkedIn Headline & Summary package includes writing of / coaching on the Headline and Summary section, plus 1 hour of coaching and/or writing of any other section(s) of your choice.
- A LinkedIn Complete package includes writing of / coaching on all LinkedIn profile sections.
Process & Timeline:
- You will receive a questionnaire to complete. Once we receive the completed questionnaire, you will be assigned to a consultant who will conduct a telephone interview (unless determined unnecessary due to sufficient written material).
- For Headline & Summary packages: Your consultant will provide a draft of your profile Headline & Summary within 7-10 business days of receiving all the information we need. You will then have the opportunity to request revisions or edits to the draft.
- For LinkedIn complete packages: Your consultant will provide a draft of your complete LinkedIn profile within 10-14 business days of receiving all the information we need. You will then have the opportunity to request revisions or edits to the draft.
- Entry-Level and Mid-Level LinkedIn Package Revisions: Up to 2 revisions by your consultant are included in the package price, for up to 10 business days after document delivery. Additional fees may be incurred for further editorial requests.
- Executive LinkedIn Package Revisions: Package price includes unlimited revisions by your consultant for up to 10 business days after document delivery or until we agree we have a reached a final draft, whichever comes first. Additional fees may be incurred for further editorial requests.
- For Success packages: Your consultant will provide a draft of your complete LinkedIn profile within 7-10 business days of finalizing your resume. You will then have the opportunity to request revisions or edits to the draft.
- RUSH packages are available for additional fees to ensure faster service than promised in this agreement.
- If you schedule an appointment at a specific time and need to cancel it for any reason, please contact your consultant 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time. If you do not provide 24-hours’ notice and miss an appointment, a $50 charge will be incurred or 30 minutes will be deducted from an hourly package. For flat rate packages, you will forfeit your package if you miss two meetings without providing 24 hours’ notice.
- Inserting the Summary: Your consultant will send you the text of your LinkedIn Summary and/or Specialties, which may include some symbols used as bullets. Unless otherwise arranged, you will copy the text into your own profile. You may do this by clicking on the pencil icon next to the appropriate section on LinkedIn.
- If you have any questions or concerns regarding how to properly insert your Summary and/or other sections into your profile, please address your questions to your consultant.
Refund Policy & Fees / Forfeiture of Package
- The Essay Expert does not provide refunds after 3 days have passed from the date of purchase; however, for a period of 30 days after your purchase, we are happy to use your payment toward another service for you or a friend if you decide not to proceed with the service you purchased. After 30 days, any price increases and “restart” fees will apply (see paragraph #3).
- If you delay completion of your questionnaire or scheduling of your interview for 30 days or more, and wish to proceed with your project, you will be charged any price increases that have been implemented since your initial purchase. We understand that extenuating circumstances arise, but we request that you start your project within the prescribed time.
- After six (6) months from your date of purchase, if we have not received your questionnaire or have not scheduled your interview, and you wish to restart your project, you may do so for a 35% restart fee. Once you pay the difference in price in addition to any appropriate restart fees, we will proceed with your project as per these terms of agreement.
- If after one (1) year from your date of purchase, we have not received your questionnaire and you wish to restart your project, you will forfeit your package.
- The Essay Expert will consider your project complete if you do not make requests for edits or a request for an extension within 3 business days of receiving your completed initial document or final document. If you request edits after 3 business days, additional hourly charges will be incurred.
- You are required to provide all subsequent editing requests within 10 business days of receiving your initial document. Requests made after 10 business days will incur additional hourly charges.
- Extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.
- If you purchased a LinkedIn Summary package that includes 1 hour of additional writing or coaching, you must utilize the 1 hour of additional services within 10 business days of receiving your completed LinkedIn Headline and Summary. If you do not schedule or use your 1 hour of services within 10 business days of our delivery of the LinkedIn Headline & Summary, we will consider your package forfeited and you will incur charges at the prevailing hourly rate for any changes necessary.
- If a credit card is declined or a check returned, service will not begin until the transaction is approved (Please note: returned checks are subject to a $25 handling fee).
Privacy / Confidentiality
- If you are concerned that your current employer will discover you are making changes to your profile, TURN OFF your activity broadcasts before making any changes. This way your connections will not be notified that you have made changes to your profile.
- The Essay Expert may request to use your Summary as a sample on our website or in a webinar. We will not reveal that we have worked with you unless we receive your permission by email.
Testimonials / Keeping in Touch
- We invite you to write a testimonial for The Essay Expert on LinkedIn if you are pleased with our service. Also please keep us posted about increases in activity on your profile, comments by others, or contacts from recruiters/new clients. We want to hear your success stories!
If you have any questions or concerns during this process, please address them first to your consultant, or contact our support team at TEESupport@TheEssayExpert.com or 608-467-0067.