Get a LinkedIn Profile Review
from the EXPERTS!


Want some quick, EXPERT advice you can easily implement to get more views and more attention for your LinkedIn Profile? This limited time LinkedIn Profile Review offer is for you!

We’ll begin with a questionnaire to help us get a better idea of your goals, target audience and professional background. Then we’ll read through your profile to get a sense of what could be improved and follow up with a 20-minute phone conversation to answer your questions and advise you on the best direction for your LinkedIn profile.

You save 25% with this exclusive 20-minute coaching package (vs. a 45-minute call at $220), plus you get the same great caliber of advice! Take that advice and incorporate it on your own, or decide to work with us further.

If you choose to purchase a full package after your review, we will apply your investment toward that package – so your initial review will be free!

As a bonus, you’ll also receive your choice of one of Brenda’s three e-books in PDF format.

Limited Time Offer

Senior Executive

$225.00Add to cart


$175.00Add to cart


$125.00Add to cart

You might also like our Resume Review – Special.

Please Note: Due to an overwhelming response to our special offer, there may be a longer-than-usual wait time to complete your LinkedIn Profile Review.

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients

I saw an immediate and dramatic improvement in the quantity and the quality of inquiries and invitations to interview after re-launching my LI profile, and I accepted an offer as VP of Global Marketing after just 2 months. Worth every dime.

– S.I., Chief Marketing Officer, Chicago, IL

As a result of my LinkedIn profile changes, I have had 17 requests made of me to meet with various potential clients and partners in just a few weeks!

– Aaron W., Business Consultant, Madison, WI

The proof is in the pudding, and I am thrilled that my keyword search hits on LinkedIn have skyrocketed. I have also sent my resume to several contacts and have had a positive response thus far. If you want an executive resume service who does what they say they will do, and does it well, The Essay Expert is your clear choice.

– Jim M., C-Level Executive, Pittsburgh, PA

My goals, my values, and my revamped resume and LinkedIn profile were all in sync for the first time in my 20-year career. This led directly to the interview for my current job as Accessibility Services Team Lead at a highly respected consulting company. I’m truly grateful that The Essay Expert was there with me, doing what they do best, so I was free to concentrate on what I do best.

– Mitchell Evan

When I was looking for a job, a friend recommended I speak with Brenda and Brenda told me about her two books: How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile and How to Write a KILLER Resume. Both helped tremendously. I was able to switch from an agency leadership to a brand-side leadership role. Not an easy task. I credit much of it to the guidance I received in her books.

– Teresa Caro

My new resume now captures the spirit and the essence of me, validating my career authenticity. And since updating my LinkedIn profile, I receive at least 2 hits per week. I highly recommend the services of the Essay Expert!

– Doreen Marson

I can honestly say that it was the best career investment I ever made! Since that time, I am consistently being contacted by talent recruiters who have found me from my LinkedIn profile.

– Bill Cooley